A Heartwarming Story of a Lone Pup’s Rescue and Remarkable Recovery in the Wilderness

Stephanie Smith-Justus received a call from her neighbor in May, who was concerned about a dog in desperate need of assistance. As an employee of the city shelter and owner of the Buchanan County Humane Society in Virginia, she quickly sprang into action, enlisting her spouse to locate the canine at the end of their street. Despite facing difficulties while scouring the wooded forest area, they eventually found the dog lying in a patch of weeds, and Steph’s husband expressed his doubts about its survival.

Smith-Justus observed that the puppy had an appearance similar to that of a burn victim when he was initially examined. The young dog contracted demodectic mange from his mother, which caused a severe condition that resembled second-degree burns.

By pure chance, a veterinarian had recently relocated to a residence nearby. In haste, Smith-Justus and her spouse scooped up the little pup and hurried to the vet’s dwelling. Without hesitation, they entered the house and presented the dog to the vet. After assessing the animal, who was subsequently dubbed Watkins after the avenue where he was located, the vet instantly recognized that the situation was dire. “She informed me that he was in critical condition,” expressed Smith-Justus.

They quickly took him to the veterinarian’s office and discovered that the damage to his skin was just the tip of the iceberg. Multiple shots from a pellet gun had been fired at him, leaving him with severe injuries. He was severely underweight, weighing only 34 pounds, and his prolonged lack of food had caused his intestines to collapse.

Due to severe malnourishment, the dog’s ankles did not develop properly. As per Smith-Justus’ explanation, the tendons had lost elasticity, and he couldn’t stand on the pads of his paws. He seemed to collapse on his wrists, and it was painful to observe him walk. The mange had taken such a toll on his body that he was near collapse. Smith-Justus explained that he was continuously oozing fluids, and an 8-inch wet patch surrounded him whenever he sat. He appeared incredibly swollen.

Smith-Justus was devastated by the condition of Watkins and was determined to save him. However, her main concern remained ensuring that he received the necessary care and kindness. She told the veterinarian that if euthanasia was necessary due to his condition, she understood, but ultimately wanted what was best for her pet. Upon hearing her concerns, the vet agreed to try and save him. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse as Watkins’ bowels twisted, and the vet had to perform an emergency surgery with little hope of success.

Smith-Justus recounted how she was informed that her loved one wouldn’t make it and urged to say her final goodbyes, which she did. However, the next day, to her surprise, he was still fighting. Unfortunately, he deteriorated again a few weeks later, losing half his weight as he refused to eat. A feeding tube was inserted, but he managed to chew it off, leading to a series of unfortunate events that Smith-Justus likened to a comedic tale.

Watkins stayed for almost 4 months at the veterinary office and underwent a brief stay at Virginia Tech’s ICU. Despite his challenging beginnings, he gradually recuperated, and something heartwarming occurred in the process.

Smith-Justus received an overwhelming amount of encouragement from individuals worldwide who were moved by Watkins’ story and wished to support him throughout his recuperation. Numerous blankets and dog beds were generously donated from various locations in the United States, as well as from overseas. Remarkably, a family even made the journey from multiple states away to visit Watkins! Currently, a Facebook page dedicated to sharing his journey boasts a following of over 12,000 people.

Smith-Justus expressed that the story and pictures of Watkins were relatable to her, and it seemed to have the same effect on others too. With the help of his supporters and his unwavering determination, Watkins was able to leave the hospital and go home with Smith-Justus on the 11th of July.

Although he had made progress, he still needed medical attention on a regular basis. The poor pup had an ear infection that required weekly vet visits and a type of treatment similar to chemotherapy to combat the demodectic mange every Thursday. Despite these challenges, he refused to give up. When his legs still weren’t functioning properly, his caretaker scheduled a visit to the vet. However, just before the appointment, the dog made a miraculous recovery and started walking normally again without any explanation. This little guy was determined to overcome all obstacles in his path.

In the past few months, Watkins has made significant progress and continues to recover. He is now closer to being a content and thriving 10-month-old dog, which was unforeseeable in the past.

Smith-Justus and her loved ones are being constantly gratified by the progress of their furry friend. His development is evident as he has overcome his fear of cars and weed eaters, and now relishes car rides. The pup’s confidence is on the rise, and he has become more physically fit through playing in the yard. It’s worth mentioning that a few weeks ago, he was able to run around without shedding a tear.

She expressed that he is a delightful and amicable dog who has become much healthier since his arrival. His skin and ears have improved significantly, and he has grown stronger as well. Additionally, he has formed an inseparable bond with his stuffed lobster, which is always placed in his water bowl until he goes to bed and retrieves it for snuggling.

Despite a difficult beginning, Watkins has a heart filled with affection. Smith-Justus welcomed some dirty kittens and their injured mother, saved from a house fire, and Watkins quickly became their adoptive parent. He tenderly cleaned them while the apprehensive mother cat watched on.

Watkins has a lot of progress to make, and he’s presently using Prozac to ease the strain of his medical procedures. However, with each day that passes, we get to know more about the little dog who was hidden beneath all of the hardships Watkins endured in his early years.

According to her, the medical experts at Virginia Tech expressed their optimism and offered prayers for his recovery, but they also expressed a low probability of survival. However, he defied all odds and turned out to be a true miracle.

In case you are interested in supporting Watkins’ veterinary expenses, you can offer a donation by clicking on the provided link. Additionally, if you want to prevent more dogs from being left alone like Watkins, you can provide a permanent home for one of them by checking out Adopt-a-Pet.com and finding needy dogs in your area.

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