From Black to Marble: The Incredible Metamorphosis of a 19-Year-Old Feline’s Coat Caused by an Uncommon Skin Condition

As a cat owner, you might assume that your furry companion’s coat color will remain consistent over time. However, David was in for a surprise when his black cat, Scrappy, began developing white patches throughout his dark coat at the age of seven. This unique occurrence is likely due to vitiligo, a rare skin condition that causes marbling in cats’ fur. Despite this diagnosis, Scrappy is still a happy and healthy 19-year-old cat who enjoys causing trouble with other neighborhood felines. David captures his feline friend’s daily activities and unique appearance, even though Scrappy isn’t always willing to pose for pictures. Nevertheless, people online can’t help but adore Scrappy’s enthusiasm for life. Check out his before-and-after photos to see how his appearance has changed over time.

Scrappy the cat

In the picture on the left, I am a cherubic 5-year-old filled with wonder and a thirst for knowledge. Fast forward to the image on the right, and you see a 17-year-old youngster brimming with confidence and ready to tackle any obstacle life throws my way. Time sure does fly by quickly, and it’s incredible how much we evolve as we age. As I reminisce, I am appreciative of all the lessons I’ve learned and experiences that have molded me into the individual I am today.

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

Scrappy the cat

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